Monday, October 12, 2009

12th Oct

Okay, kids! complete the phrase: "L-O-..."

did you answere "L-O-V-E"?
"L-O-A-T-H-E" is the answer!
Loathing for yourself,
loathing for that asshole bossing you around,
loathing for your com which keeps restarting,
loathing for everything around you.

In other news, It's over between them and things still don't look any brighter on my end. I've been called a testimony to patience, and lonely nad "oh shit!"

Seriously, retards, I can't believe I tried to impress you guys.

as for you,
my life's a freaking wreck.
I miss you.
I love you, I really, really do.
I'd create a parade in your honour if I could just to let you know, I really would.

Without you, nothing pleases me.
Not the hissing of the flame,
just you and I, maybe the Notre Dame,
To think you wouldn't return it,
it's like stabbing me over and over.

The only one deserving of such verse,
I want the rush of your skin against mine
How our hearts would beat with speed together
How your scent is maddening.

Alas, reality sets in.
And you and I, forever and ever, are apart.

Losing the battle for power

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