Friday, March 12, 2010


Tick-tock, time is ticking,
all the time that you spent wishing,
It's time to walk; it's time to see,
It's time to find what's right for me.

Is it time to love? I don't think so,
I'm hoping you'll love me; but that's a no
Holes to fill and soil to till,
grow myself some friends that fit the bill.

Today's post is an odd one. I can't say I'm not still lonely, but I must admit that I've got so much going on it's hard to take a breather to vent it out. So there.

By the way, to my dear non-existant readers, I will be at SKBD tomorrow, and I'm very much hoping for some company for lunch, so do contact me if you're interested.

Losing the battle for power

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