Tuesday, July 13, 2010


How many possible ways can you wrongly push a button?
As some people learn, alot, actually.

It can be from the simplest of things, too. From quitting because someone else said so, to a simple mistake.

Thinking about it, having your buttons pushed once isn't so bad. When each one sets you up to get knocked down further, that's bad.

Yes, I'm annoyed. Yes, I want to rip off a head. It seems like everything I do never gets recognition. No one says "Thanks man, you're awesome".

Don't give me that smirk. You're not better than me, if only the rest of the world saw that. I actually put in effort for what I want.

Guess what, people? I'm not blaming myself for once.

Everyone else is stupid. I'm working my ass off, and for what?
To be told I'm lazy, arrogant and worthless.
To be side-stepped, pushed in front of vehicles and not worthy of anything.

Thankfully, I have people who care about me. You know what's sad?
All I want, all I've ever wanted, was to hear it from you, with feeling.
And that's too hard, because I'm inferior due to my ACTUAL hard work and will to not die. Because I don't sound like Justin Bieber on crack. Because I won't bring out as much publicity.

You know what else? love is an emotion. Just like hate. All it does is gauge how much emotion there is. So with all this resentment, you have no grounds saying anything about me abandoning you. Because with all that, I'm still moronic enough to follow you.

Because if there's anyone who should see the truth first, it's you.

I'm resentful. I'm bitter. I'm not at all 'mr. right' material to most people. But who's put up with you even longer than him? me. For what? Even I'm not sure.

Losing the battle for power

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