Sunday, September 26, 2010


Very tiring day today. Considering turning in early because of my trials tomorrow.
Chill, Am. You can do it.

I'm confused as to how I feel. My exams are stressing me out, but I can't force myself to do anything about it. People around me are depressed and I can't seem to change that. Someone I care about isn't being particularly warm towards me and I go into a slump.

I've also been eating alot lately. Not that my weight is an issue. - I mean, come on. I'm lighter than the guys my age. I slip in between bars. But now I'm starting to wonder if I'm back to having something wrong with me.

I mean, I got really upset over a tiny issue today.
Oh well, let's face it- I'm awesome. Why? Because I will do well for this trial. I will face all this.

It's just how I roll

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