Sunday, January 23, 2011

23/1/11 (the actual day)

Lemme get it off my chest that being sick SUCKS. my nose is blocked, I have a sore throat.
Spent the day with Dush, Chang and Maxim. Doom 3 is an epic game, regardless of it's lack of assasinations and sniping. Also, re watched Gulliver's Travels. Not the same without Ashley to cuddle with. /sighs, I wish she'd give me a sign. Or was up front about it.

Tomorrow I have class D: Thank god it's nothing heavy-duty yet. Like Farts or design. Crap.

I feel like gushing about ashley and how much I miss her, but I know it's only gonna make it hurt when she says no =.=

blek, that's life I guess.

It's just how I roll

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