Friday, May 28, 2010


I'm having a problem.
Everytime I need to rant, I don't have an outlet.
When I get my hands on my blog, I get writer's block.


Something's messing up my systems. Just gave a really long rant to a junior about wasting her life.

But that brings about some thoughts.
Love, for example.

Does the stuff in the movies really exist?
Or does it only seem to exist because a few idiots believe in it?
Call me a cynic, but the latter seems very likely.
I guess to me, love is just like putting up with all the crap people who aren't in love put up with. The only difference is you have someone with you.
They won't necessarily do you any good. Hell, they might even bring you through the mud ocassionally. Or always.
But I guess loving them means not caring.

Ironic, the three words everyone who feels alone wants to hear means "I don't care".

you and I in a little toyshop, buy a bag of baloons with the money we've got.
Set them free at the break of dawn, till one by one; they were gone.
back at base, bugs in the software; flash a message; something's out there.
Floating in the summer sky, as 99 red baloons go by.

Losing the battle for power

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