Friday, October 1, 2010


I'm worried.
Have all my efforts to bring you closer only pushed you away for good?
I know we have drastically different opinions on a variety of things (by the way, I still say my use of evil schemes isn't foul play until I slit someone's throat) but you and I, we're actually more alike than you can imagine.

Not talking to you, not being with you, it's driving me up the wall. Being brushed aside, that's even worse.

You know, it would help a great bunch if I never had to announce my depression. It would make everyone's comments seem a little more... sincere. It would also help if I had a healthier vent for my frustration. I don't think channeling it through violent video games is very good.

But what can I do? it seems like no one bothers actually listening to MY issues, so yeah.

It's just how I roll

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