Friday, October 8, 2010


Mom pulled out a nice surprise for me: Starcraft 2. Now, it's no surprise that I suck at strategy Games. Laying out plans, no problem. Executing them, not as great. Especially when you're holding off stupid Terran while you're manually hatching your army.

Still, nothing more satisfying then watching them scream when you rush them. Pure. Epic. Win.

The sports commentary has stopped in my head as week two draws to a close in the saga that is SPM trials. Thankfully, I've got 3 whole days to read up on my experiments and 2 whole days to get the hang of physics. Hopefully, I pull through this one.

BTW, my newfound ability to communicate telepathically with Chang is epic. Though it doesn't have practical uses, it's still funny to both bitch about how sucky chem was.

On top of all my random crap today, it was looking for a dream house with Melor. Till we realised it'd be a bad idea to have kids without a source of income xP

Hmm, wonder what Ashley's up to. I think it's time I take Chang's advice and play it the fun way, instead of overanalyzing everything.

It's just how I roll

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