Saturday, March 26, 2011


So, I got my results. 3As, 5Bs and 2Cs. Not brilliant, but fuck you. God came through for me for this one. I was scared I'd fail half these papers. also, A+ for addmaths. In your face, bitches >:D

Also, I got Dead Space 2. Ripping limbs off of aliens with a staple gun? yes please.
I seriously need to get out some. As in, on a date out. Going out to buy coke and awkwardly bumping into the neighbor and her hot pants doesn't count unless we actually talk about meaningful things and/or get horizontal. I won't be picky.

I mean, being alone is one thing- if kept occupied, it isn't so bad. But it's this torture of having to watch mushy couples all day that makes me want to pull out a plasma cutter and start chopping limbs.

I feel tired. I can hate, but not as excessively. I'm losing the will to do a lot of things (not suicidal, mind you)

Gah, fuck it. I'm a little jealous. I want to be in one of those romantic situation where I like someone and they reciprocate, you know? I'm so sick of this one-sided chase. I mean, I go through a lot of madness every day. What would be nice would be just a person I know will always make things better.

Instead, I'm stuck with listening to people bitch about shit they get themselves into, shit they should be used to and on top of all that, I need to deal with everyone moving away from me. Life is just a bitch that way.

"I am Amirul, cynic of cynics. Look upon my words, ye dickweeds, and despair!"

It's just how I roll

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