Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Things I learned:
a) when I'm depressed, everything I COULD be depressed about will dropkick me at the same time.
b) Amirul- 2011 edition is more of a guy than Amirul '10
c) I'm not sleeping tonight.

Yeah, so the temptation of falling asleep is strong, but an angry Boon I wouldn't want. I've realised this year, I don't have the 'companion girl' @ that girl who I'm really close to. Last year it was Melor, etc. This year, I am straight up one of the most obnoxious people ever. And perhaps I'm tired of that.

Let's face it- one can only bounce between chics when there are chics to bounce between. While Lynette is still an unexplored venture, I'm really just too tired to keep this up.

I should probably just retire to my fate and rust in some corner. Collect dust and be forgotten in history.

ignore me, I need sleep.
It's just how I roll

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