Sunday, November 7, 2010


Often, a lot of lives are based around an event. Something that defines a person. Sometimes, a person is the way they are because of the loss of a loved one. Every aspect of a personality has its roots. One is never that way by default.

A few years back, I recall sitting in the dining room with my sister. I was upset about something. I don't recall what, but it was trivial. I specifically remember her telling me:
"Do you remember *name removed*? the reason everyone hates her is because she's always going on about how miserable she is. You should never let people know how bad you feel on the inside"

Years later, I'm still taking that advice. Never once have I openly broadcasted my dislike for myself. It's always been buried under cynicism, a general lack of interest in things and violent video games. I'd say it's one of those key things that makes me... me.

Sad to say, though, that the person who made me this way is the exact opposite. Every day, I see her defying that one rule she gave me to live by. Thanks.

At least I know that my rules are my own now.

In lighter news, it's almost your birthday Hannah Azlan May you have many happy returns on your big day :D

It's just how I roll

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