Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Meh. Been away for a while. Between Rocket building, PRS Camp, and a bunch of other random crap, I've just had no mood to study. Seriously.

Called her today. She was making out with him and still picked up the phone.
My fault for being the concerned friend? possibly.

I don't get these humans. True, I am one. But I digress.

I offer my help and I'm thrown away the second you're done.
When it's time to return the favour, you don't bother.
When I am nice enough to forgive, you shun me.

Maybe being nice doesn't have an advantage. Maybe humanity just cant be saved. Maybe I should just join the crowd, or fade back where I belong.

Hopefully, in my final hours, I find out I'm not part of this damned species. It would soothe my troubled soul so much that I don't have to be one of them.

"When one window of oppurtunity closes, another opens. Often we are so busy mourning the first window we let the other get away,"

I tried looking for the other door, really. But so far, all you've taught me is that nothing is certain in this world but Death and Taxes.

Just came up with interesting thought. May postpone suicide, Big Man just inspired me.

Fighting the battle for power

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