Saturday, July 25, 2009

25th July

Well, it's that time again.
The time where you've got alot on your mind and no one gives a fuck enough to listen out.

Funny, huh?
If they say life's a wheel, then that's one fuckin' huge wheel and one fuckin' slow motor.
I've seen galapagos turtles die of old age faster.

To constantly be weighed down listening to others, yet when you're bothered, they immediately go, "so?"

Not to say I don't wanna hear your problems, just sayin, mind givin me a listen for a change?

I swear, I hate being alone.
No one to lean on when i'm depressed,
no one to say, "hey, you can't make an omelet without breakin' a few eggs, y'know?"
no one to have faith in me when I myself don't.

spending the night of big parties in a quiet room, looking through the shadows of my past.
I mean, my self esteem is pretty dented as it is. Sucks not being, "mr attractive" or even "mr funny".

Sucks even more watching people LIVING LIFE while I waste it entirely, seriously.
I miss the warmth of a hug,
the sweetness of a stolen kiss,
hell, I miss a sincere "good morning" for fuck's sake.

Now, I'm either just a fuckin feeling atm, or a shadow on the bathroom wall people talk to but never really acknowledge.

Or let's just face it.

In the face of ultimate defeat, everyone goes a little insane

Fighting the battle for power

Friday, July 3, 2009

I hate you, and you, and you, not you, though, I LOATHE you.

For therapeutic reasons, I shall not monolouge this time. Instead, this shall simply be a list on all the things I hate. So this is my post, of hate.

Wan Amirul Hates...
Not doing well in school
Not being understood
Being shunned
being assumed to be something
forgetting what he wanted to do
failed plans
not doing plans
being alone
All of the people I am not at liberty to mention
Never being able to get what I want
Pretentious people
Unrealistic people
Being confined
Being bored
feeling left out
having to write something out
it when his pens run out of ink simultaneously
it when his brother finishes his food
it when he isn't able to do what he wants
a force of power I am not at liberty to discuss
being helpless
'Microphone wave in failure'
lack of respect
form 1s. Spare a select few
Mixed signals
being taken for a ride
ungrateful asses
being treated like an object
time limits
being showed up

Seeing that I'm the only one alone
the truth
drug addicts
discriminating fucktards

Fighting the battle for power