Friday, November 6, 2009

6th November.

Okay, Exams have fucked me up badly. Seriously, I am failing all of them D:

To hold you close; the real dream,
Against all odds; all rules,
We'd be together; no matter the quo,
and that way we would last forever.

Even the moon shines down with envy,
For only on her most glorious of nights,
Can she match a fraction of your beauty.

Spring wore a frown when I boasted thee,
Autumn itself, humbled,
corpses rose, and turned, and said;
'At least in my life, I have seen an angel'.

The flowers were shy to bloom once they had seen her,
even the Mona Lisa looked away,
afraid of being compared, condemned,
and afraid of being dropped for her.

And yet, I only stare at her, from my window,
but my heart beckons to her, and I shall wait for her response.

Losing the battle for power

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