Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Nov 25th

I just realised my date's keep changing the format of how I write them xP

In a more moderate and less-emo blog post, I had fun today. Watched 2012, (can't seem to get the sermons out of my head now, >.<)

Notes on people (yes, I'm a stalker. Bite me, assholes)

Subject A likes Subject B. Subject B is COMPLETELY oblivious (remind me to change that one day, need to give the subject a bloody whack in the noggin). But it's a 50-50 that Subject B likes Subject A's sister, Subject C.

Outcomes? Subjects A and C will not particularly like each other. If previous assumptions (not in above notes) are true, then catastrophe ensues.

Oh, how I love the smell of chaos brewing.

Losing the battle for power


Anonymous said...

May I know who sunject A, B, and C are? Not trying to be nosy and all, just curious...

Lurmaix-Poisonblue said...

depends, who're you?

Lurmaix-Poisonblue said...

and btw, thank you for actually reading. Sorry, not used to comments