Thursday, March 18, 2010


Why is it so hard to get a little retribution nowadays?
although it hasn't happened in a while, I must say I am annoyed with perked-up-on-drugs-crybabies.
Seriously, I'm flattered you think I'm better than you, but I'm not to be blamed for your horrible misfortune.
Also. 'anonymous calls at midnight'. OOOHH... how Macho. Get a life, get a face people. You guys got beef to settle with me, grow a pair.
And for the record, that means come and get me, retards.

Yeah, I'm obnoxious. Yeah, I sometimes think I'm better than you. But hey, you guys started the circle of hate. I'm just finishing it.
And by the way, the circle is the one that's on the top of your testpapers, just in case you didn't know/

Now that I think about it, you've probably got another kindy test to fail and you won't read this. Too bad though.

So once you've finished your crack supply and cried home to mommy about how you still cant find your dick after 17 years and look up in a dictionary half the words I said, (after asking someone what a dictionary IS, that is) come and get some.

And I'm flattered I have fans.

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