Monday, April 19, 2010


I've seen alot of my old self lately.
I wonder, how different am I?

Am I really all that much happier?
Or have I just become a better liar?
I guess that's my choice then. One thing that never changes, I guess, is my rhetorical rants.

I learned something interesting. The key to happiness is simply not caring.
Don't think I'm going to suddenly laugh it off with you, no. I'm still waiting for your lungs to burn inside out and for your brain to deactivate until all you feel is pain.

"Your talents are still of some use to me, and so I will not kill you ... today. But one day--perhaps in a year, or 1000 years, or 100,000 years--I may grow tired of you, Icarax. You may cease to be amusing, with your posturing and your boasting and your lust for battle. And on that day, your armor will be a meal for metal-eating scavengers, and your essence a wisp on the wind."

Everything else is same-old same-old.

Losing the battle for power

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