Friday, June 25, 2010


Today was depressing.
I did badly for alot of my tests, again. Went through a major depression phase. Smashed the correction tape to tiny little pieces. Sharp ones. Alia caught one of the pieces and refused to return it to me >.<

Frustrated later on because everyone's busy with their own thing. A bout of melancholy, too.
Nostalgia a bit.

Something someone said is lingering in my head, not in the good way.
Alot of people's patience is running thin with me. Others just never cease to be impressed with me.

I guess it's a question of who am I going to listen to, eh?

having no human outlets sucks at times. Most of my guy friends are busy and alot of the girls are getting annoyed that I make little progress. at least they're not as concerned for my health when I'm planning something.

On another note, I have an RM15o footstool for prom. whoop-de-fucking-do
Losing the battle for power

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