Thursday, August 4, 2011


Fasting has an odd effect on me.
I can't seem to honestly be mad. Annoyed, yes. Sad, definitely. But the spark isn't there.

Suju's new song is catchy. like really.

You know, I don't get why people always assume things in black and white. If I like K-pop, then sucks to be you. Doesn't put me in the league of HYPEROBSESSED people, it just means I have a thing for girls in hot pants telling me they love me (and honestly, who doesn't?).

Another thing I don't get, is this belief that big words makes you sound smarter. So your sentences drag a little longer. that tends to just make you a bore, rather than smart most of the time.
"Your brain fails to transmit information at a high enough speed because your neurons cannot transmit information across the Purkinje fibres at a large enough distance over a small enough time to..."
as opposed to
"you're an idiot".

Am I an egomaniac? Yes. Am I going crazy? Perhaps. That remains to be seen. Even if it is, I think it will be an act of mercy.

Let's face it, too many people are trying to be batman. I know this is a stretch coming from ME of all people, but sometimes it's good to stop taking life so seriously. Not everything should be about vendettas and betrayal and shit. It's good to just blow off some steam. I think college has taught me that more than anything.

Hey ash, I miss you. You too, Lex. especially if you're still reading my blog.

It's just how I roll

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