Tuesday, October 18, 2011

18/10/11: Kpop double whammy

It's not very often I get this: 2 groups I like (within 2 tiers of each other [damn I should really make that chart]) releasing a music video at the same time. So to commemorate this rare occurrence, I shall present to you my two cents on both.

SECRET: Love is Move
Okay, let me first start off by saying I really like Secret because they're the underdogs of k-pop. They haven't quite reached Diva status like 4Minute and SNSD, but they're pretty good.

So once again, Secret presents us with the retro concept. Unlike Shy Boy though, this seems to be... hmm, how do I put this lightly?


Oh yes. We get to see these girls showing off more dance moves, and putting the cute side gently in a corner. The beat is very reminiscent of beach parties, yet with a nightclub background. It's a very energetic song, and even the dance moves show it off.

And for bonus points, they make Sunhwa the god-damn sexiest girl next door ever. (because that's how she looks to me. in general)

The dance moves , as mentioned earlier, are very energetic and pretty well synchronized. The girls are rarely still for more than a second as they respond to every beat. Everything about this song screams retro. And that's not a bad thing.

SNSD (Girl's Generation): The Boys

there's a little history to be had about this music video. firstly, one of the biggest complaints about SNSD is that their music videos were HIGHLY repetitive and they banked solely on the cute factor to win over their legions of dedicated fans. You wanted different? you got it.

The Boys is a more "urban dance" beat than their other bubblegum pop songs. Their moves are crazily synchronized and the song has an almost military bass to it.

I'll admit, the song on it's own or the choreography on its own are nothing much to scream about. But if we're analyzing the music video, we've got it pretty good. It opens with a minute long clip of the girls all walking out from a dark room. First thoughts would be they look GORGEOUS. second would be the over-emphasis on the dove. but that can be slid.

As mentioned, the music video is presented VERY well. There is this feeling of inherent drama at the beginning that just draws you in. The dance break in the middle is very well done too.
While not as defined a concept as Love is Move, this music video is more entertaining to watch as a video (but then again, Sunhwa ).

Actually, even THAT point is counterpointed. One thing about SNSD is that each of the 9 girls are usually wearing something different, so I can take time to comment there. since 9x3= 27 I'll only be touching on highlights here.
Taeyeon seems to be going for a sort of punk look with a pink streak and pvc boots. I must say I very much like this look, and she is generally very fierce throughout the performance
Out of all her outfits, Jessica seems to look best in the princess regalia, with her blue tube dress and tiara. This particular look really suits her, but her other outfits are good too.
Sooyoung, physically, has always been about her really long legs. With that in mind, her high-waisted outfit with the really pretty blouse serve their function pretty well.
Yoona joins Jessica for looking best in her princess regalia. Something about the outfit just WORKS here.
I'll have to admit, I was really looking forward to Sunny's appearance. her teaser photos were the best, because the short hair was a REALLY drastic change. I was not disappointed here, and her black blouse+shorts+red hoodie are the winning combo here.
Seohyun looks really great in her purple cheongsam-esque dress. From hair to makeup, her closeups have to be the most impressive of the lot.
I'm really tempted to say Hyo's Queen Amidala look is the best of hers, but I won't lie. She shines most in the dance break, with her blue top and black pants.
Yuri looks absolutely gorgeous in the entire video, although I think her princess look is a bit heavy on the makeup. However, her suit and bangs win because a) suits are awesome b) Yuri is awesome and c) bangs are awesome.
Tiffany has the most charisma in the video, and is intent on punishing me for my stupid days when she was at the bottom of my bias list. Before someone misreads it and impales me to death, that didn't last very long. She looks really good in all her outfits, but her dance outfit with the cap is the most impressive.

It's unfair to ask me which I liked better of the two videos, it's like asking me which is better: God of War or DMC? you just can't do that. All in all, SNSD projects a more fierce mood while Secret's is playful but sexy.

Before I forget, anyone with no clue as to what I'm talking about can follow these links:

Secret: http://youtu.be/1Pr3d8AbkGs
SNSD: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pA_Tou-DPI

I highly reccomend both videos, do check them out.

It's just how I roll

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