Saturday, December 12, 2009


I could be anyone.
I could be hero of heroes,
slain mighty beasts in your name,
you would not give me a requited welcome.

I could be anyone.
I could construct mighty monuments,
of gold, diamond and amethyst of you,
and your love, of double the costs, I would not recieve.

I could be anyone.
Some might name me a master,
for having captured nature's beauty, recreating it in art, in song,
You may attend the opening night, but would not join me backstage.

I could be anyone.
It's true.
But in reality,
I'm just a boy, looking at a girl, asking you to love me like I do you.

(P.S writers of Notting hill, don't kill me- this line inspired me)

Losing the battle for power

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