Friday, December 11, 2009

Here's the truth.
I'm not good enough for you.
No, I will always be second; no,
I'll always be third past-last.

I am not the greatest lover,
I don't make you feel like doing the unimaginable.
I don't make you warm to the touch
I don't give you memories to last a lifetime.

I am not the greatest friend,
I cannot sit by you no matter what,
for the many faces bicker and argue,
and before long you would have done everything by yourself.

Still, I applaud myself.
To believe in a lie so blindly. To chase it.
That I could be that 'one'. Yet now everyone looks down, at he who believes steadfast,
I am assuming what is not rightfully mine. I'll always be third past-last

Losing the battle for power

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