Friday, January 15, 2010

16th Jan

Is it so wrong to actually give a fuck?
Yes, victory takes sacrifice. Yes, discipline is important.
But victory can be obtained and discipline can be maintained without being a harsh bully, thank you very much.
Take. A. Chill. Pill. Seriously, you told me you were against that kind of treatment. Well, when the eyes of the world probe you, I guess you really know how to show your true colours, eh, buddy boy?

And your 'help' is nothing more than a crack-pumped junkie trying to look like Rambo with love handles. If you want to waste what precious time you have letting a Biggest Loser drop-out
give 'pep-talks' that are basically half-hour swear sessions, then I think your leadership is seriously misplaced.

Too many cooks spoil the broth. And when 3 cooks can't decide on how to SPELL the freaking word, then you know something's up.

Teamwork, it's a new thing. try it.

On a final note: Stick to your word. If you promise people that you treat them nicely, stick to it. Karma's a dog, and I have a habit of letting it off the leash.

Losing the battle for power

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