Friday, January 15, 2010

When it comes down to the world, who am I?

I've heard the saying, "Just be who you are" and other phrases of the same meaning said alot recently.
to the reader: comment on this post. Answer me this vital question: who am I?

Losing the battle for power


G14 said...

Simple. You're a great friend, cute and funny. Intelligent and poetic. Full of good advice. Full of life. You're a person, a humane one. Not forgetting to be a person who ends up in Heaven. But hell, you are what you choose to be. And I have to say, I think you make good choices most of the time.

lady medusa said...

dearest am,

- intelligent, and cynical. angst-ridden and poetic. loyal, and fickle. a contradiction in itself, but I'd like to think you have your head screwed on straight.

au revoir,