Friday, January 8, 2010

Social Responsibilities

My bid for the environment, with all this depressing news around.

Our Father made us, of earth and blood and flesh.
Our Mother fed us, kept us warm.
She taught us to see, with our eyes and our hearts
In exchange that we feel, with our hearts and our souls.

Now as we move on, our mother we have forgotten,
Our brothers, who stay with her, we call savages,
but we ravage her, destroy her neatly woven,
Answer to Father: Who is man, who is beast?

Our brothers walk with their bellies to mother,
She is sick, and they hear her. She is crying;
but we do not hear her, through rock; and metal; and stone.
But when Father reclaims what is His, let our brothers be saved, we must follow the fate we have allowed for our mother.
My comment on the events occuring today:
This was not Islam. Islam has always stressed that we are all brothers, and we do not commit such heinous acts. In my humble opinion, and let me be slain for it, these acts of violence were media-inspired, from the justifying leaders to the heretics.
Look around, we've got a world to change.

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