Friday, March 11, 2011


Today makes me think a lot about how things change. Everyone's got their messages on the tsunami and how it basically pwned japan, and don't berate me for being insensitive, because I really do feel sad for what happened.

But I think people are stupid.
I mean, a lot of the times, I think some people are just posting for the attention. "Who can come up with the most touching comment related to japan wins" kinda thing. which is really sad. You don't need to represent some huge body, because face it, it's not in your jurisdiction. If you were sincere about it, you'd just say that you're worrying about it. not some fancy biblical message, nothing. Unless it was for charity.

Sure, some people have that flair. that's just how they say things. but the whole "Our hearts are with you" thing is just a little too far. Has your ego grown so big it's a new person that also uses your social media accounts?
Maybe I'm getting a little carried away. But yeah, I may not be flying a helicopter to japan right now, and I may not be off offering sacrifices, but at least when I empathize, I don't do it so someone will retweet it or like it. Then again, thumbwhores have always been in my crosshairs.

Then again, all these people who put all their attention on japan have their spots too. It is a serious thing happening. I get it. but just because someone else is talking about something else doesn't exactly mean they are to be castrated, you know? The world will not just pause for one event, even if t was as bad as this was.

But then again, this was huge. I mean, the shock makes your rationality lapse. And things like this, they just make you think how quickly everything we know can just smash itself apart.

It's just how I roll

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