Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I am pissed. I know it's not just because I'm out of tape. Or that I haven't had a fulfilling sleep in 3 days. Or that I'm sick. Or that I'm getting the shaft on everything I do.

It's the whole gangbang shitpiece of it.

It's the fact that I finally felt good about painting just to find out I've been going at it wrong. It's this whole fact that the female race is, if anything, REPULSED by me.

That's a first.
I mean, left; right; and centre people just don't want to be associated with me anymore. Thanks for nothing, assjackets.

"Be yourself" you say. Yeah, that always works.

"Hi, I'm a broken person with abandonment issues but covers it up by being an obsessive compulsive kpop freak geek dick all of the time who also writes angry rants"
4. COUNT EM. 4.

Would it kill anyone to love me for a change?

It's just how I roll

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