Saturday, December 18, 2010


Went around looking at colleges yesterday. Never have I felt the future bearing down on me like I did just then.
Aside from the fact my plans just got thrown into a blender.

I either start college in Jan or may. May is WAY too long, but Jan is just... bleugh. two weeks from now. In a way, I won't be worried about running out of things to do, I guess.

Been doing some thinking. How is it that every time I like a girl, I seem to push her away? it's happened with Ashley, and many other candidates I have figured will remain anonymous.
Another thought comes to mind: What if it's all in my head? I mean, mindset plays a big role.

So many questions, so little time.

I mean, you could be what I need. Someone who can see things the way I do (for the most part) without being a carbon copy of me (god knows he made the Amiruls far apart for a reason). Being around you makes me feel happy, and I guess after being lonely for the social equivalent of eternity, I need someone like you.

Oh well, not that you'll ever find out. Game on.
It's just how I roll

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