Saturday, August 2, 2008

Amirul's little rant

Love, a four letter word.
It's as diverse as species of spider.
There is true love, where both parties are almosthead over heels for each other,
There is physical love, where actions speak louder than words
There is silent love, where words nor actions matter.
But while everyone has their own love story, what of us?
what of those who never have their cute meeting?
those who never get to say those three magical words?
yes, my friend, finally, there is unrequited love. A kind of which i am a sage.

I mean, we're all equals, right?

maybe it's just not time-- but what if some of us were really created simply not to have romance?
some of us who simply had that chapter forcefully ripped out of our books and thrown in the fire?

Long have i witnessed the hundreds of thousands of significant others pass by, and i think to myself, "why aren't i part of them?''

But perhaps i'm just lonely.

From being isolated for so long, never really seeing the light of true companionship, never seeing the warmth of another's true joy upon seeing me

that could be it.

Not only am i talking about romance, but could i also be a case of unrequited love amongst friends?

that could very well be it.

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