Thursday, May 19, 2011


I am thoroughly pissed off. I hate that I was just basically asked to give up any plans I might have had so that my sis can go out. I mean, I was planning to work anyways, but still. HELLO?

Seriously, I'm like a piece of furniture here. Moved around as everyone else sees fit. I mean, I WANT to go out and unwind. But instead I'm stuck here. And then I still have to focus on getting my act together to put out some good work so I don't fall behind again.

And believe me, although it always looks like I'm only doing it because I'm being pressured into it, I AM putting my absolute all into it. and then some.

I get distracted easily, yes, and I have lazy tendencies, though. :(

Hopefully, this new sem also means I can keep up the whole 'hardworking' thing.

It's just how I roll

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