Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Can I just say it out?

oh, and I... no, can't say it yet.

oh, and I has sniper rifle. yup.

I don't know how to tell you, actually. How do I tell you that you make me feel like I want to feel again? That you are a rare good thing to happen in my life after so many ridiculous years. And you probably find me annoying as hell (because I would too), and that eats me up. And when I'm not imagining (or predicting) that you despise my presence, you make me feel like I actually mean something to someone.


I'll get there eventually, I'm sure. After 3 years of being a cynic, you tend to be afraid to put your emotions out there. I'm staying a cynic, but jsut without a 100% hate-rate.

which reminds me: I. hate. rempits.
Not even OG rempits. I mean rempits= malay dumbasses who were all failed abortions.
I hate their stupid hair. their stupid voices. the annoying stench of cigarettes. Don't even get me started on the look. that nicotine-deficient look that just makes me want to punch the mother of all things good and use her body as a club to beat the crap outta this dude's mom for not using a condom.

and on to real rempits, I loathe them with a passion. I feel like sitting on the side of highways with a NO MOTOR-fucking-CYCLE sign and beating the motherfucker over the head with it everytime they drive by. I guess they are allowed there, cus that's NOT EVEN A MOTORCYCLE.

Oh, this deserves a paragraph on it's own. That piece of motorized scrap metal. It's a glorified bicycle. A motorcycle is a harley. They take up a lane like a NORMAL vehicle. They sound GOOD revving. you guys drive cheap trash cans made of bottlecaps and vitagen foil and start up the engine to get the sound of a rubber band having an orgasm fucking a 2-dollar bill. It's so insignificant, it doesn't pay road tax because even with a passenger, it doesn't have molecular density to be counted as an ordinary vehicle.

And the women. Oh god, the women. What woman hears that horrible sound and thinks "yup, I dated a MAN". Good whore, you are stupid. Just so you know.

The races. yes, these stupid things. Hey, I should get 18 wheelers into a race in the opposite direction. talk about fun. cleaning you guys outta the grill.

This seems half-assed, sorry folks. feeling a little blank

It's just how I roll

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