Sunday, October 10, 2010


Pardon my skepticism, but I don't see anything special about 10/10/10. I mean, it's cool to see it, to just write the number 10 over and over again, but I don't get this whole 'perfect day to fall in love' crap.
Finally bought Adib's present today. I must say, for all intents and purposes, I am AWESOME.

Found out why Ashley hasn't been around. She went to AUSTRALIA. Oh well, here's to hoping she comes back soon, I must admit it gets kinda boring without watching her try to wrap her brain around the fact I exist.

Tomorrow is physics, and I think I feel good about it. Fingers crossed, I guess.
Accidentally closed an msn window with a message from hann before I could read it. From the half second I saw it, it seems like she's mad about something. S-C-R-E-W-E-D

SNSD's Japanese Gee mv seriously has some cute charm to it. As in, SERIOUSLY cute shit.

Okay, better either start on my tuition homework or read physics. *sighs*
Is it just me, or has this weekend seemed longer than usual?
It's just how I roll

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