Saturday, January 1, 2011


welcome, orbital cycle 'A.D' 2011.
Sorry i'm posting this late, was busy all night. Making a video with Maxim and Dush (have you checked it out? it's at )

My memories of the last orbital cycle?
Things that happened in 2010:
-I learned I couldn't fly
-I finally got noticed by others for making movies
-I sat for a nightmarish public exam
-I made guy friends
-I ACTUALLY stayed up for the Fifa World Cup
-I learned that sometimes, we just need to remember why we're awesome and the emo just disappears
-I fell head-over-heels in love with SNSD (and learnt all their names)
-I got a PS3
-Nope, still single.
-I learned to hate myself a little less
-I got to spend time with awesome people (Shiv, Yan, Alia, Melor and Manisha to name a few)
-I started meeting new people

But all in all, I don't think I have a theme that this year ran along. other than possibly just challenges.

hopefully 2011 brings a little more sunshine into my grey little corner of the world.

It's just how I roll

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