Thursday, June 30, 2011


I feel like ranting. I can't pick a victim, so I'll wing this one.

Whiny couples, they piss me off. I mean, really. Really. REALLY.
"Boo-hoo, bad day. my life's a wreck. The worse bit is, I have to go home and talk to someone that will make it all better. FML. When will oprah answer my fucking call?"

Seriously. You got something, use it. Fucking idiots. I get the temporary feeling of despair, I guess, but I hate those people who are always trying to justify that they're not having as good a time as they fucking show. "oh, he's not THAT great, I mean he's always..." fuck you. If you didn't like the douche you'd be like me writing angry posts no one reads.

And I hate stupid ticketing systems. I went to buy tickets for transformers this weekend, and I wanted an 8.00pm show. So the guy clicks it and suddenly the machine goes "JK, COCK BICYCLE, I SOLD THE LAST TICKETS BITCH!"
I know it's not the guy's fault, but would it kill anyone to design a smoother system that doesn't taunt you about it?

I mean, COME ON, PEOPLE. WE'RE THE HUMAN FUCKING RACE. WE BUILT A GIANT SPACE STATION ABOVE THE EARTH AND FLEW TO THE MOON! and you're telling me you can't make a smoother fucking ticketing system?

Also, new couple syndrome. that whole "Smother my gushiness in 50 faces and get a fucking achievement!" really pisses me off. I feel so whiny repeating this, but if you're so fucking in love, shouldn't you be focused ON EACH OTHER and not bothering the rest of us with it?

And let's move on to the fucking drama queens of the world, shall we? Unless I invoke the wrath of... YOUR FIERY VENGEANCE THAT WILL COME DOWN ON ME SWIFTLY AND BOLDLY. Seriously? You can take that to Bold and The Beautiful. They could use better script writers, anyways. But excess drama in your sentences does not make you smart, it just kinda makes you a douche. And coming from the motherfucking king of douches, that's saying something.

As you can see, I still need to focus my thoughts to rant properly. I'll give it time.

It's just how I roll

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