Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Fuck Everything Especially Life. (FEEL)

You suck. You all do. I hate you all.
Life is just one big diner, where the shit is served well done and in MONSTER PORTIONS.
I want to scream at the moon, and I will. I will pull jupiter out of orbit, I will bring unbalance out of everything I see.

I couldn't just have a bad day. No, I couldn't. To continue, this has to be Shitstorm part 2. This is the ROTF style sequel, where EVERYTHING happens. And not in the way that ends nicely.

Seriously, life, fuck you. I can't stress on that enough.

First, the world's suckiest presentation, made suckier. Next, my friday afternoon butchered. After that? The shittiest 3 hour trip home ever. Now?
She left. SHE FUCKING LEFT. Just got up and left. No warning, no nothing.

Why does everyone leave me? You know what? all I wanted from you was a mate. A friend I could trust with entirety. Someone to join the circle that was falling to pieces. That's all.
But nope, you're gone. Blip. Blammo. No explanation. THanks.

Everyone's leaving me. thanks.

It's just how I roll

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